Too Excited!

Apparently there is something in the air since both myself and my oldest son just can’t seem to get to sleep.  I think it may be the combination of the pepsi and the jelly beans I ate and the combo of pepsi and ice cream that he ate right before bed…that’s enough to keep anyone up.  Granted, I shouldn’t have had the pepsi to begin with since I’ve given up caffeine.  I just wanted to splurge a bit I guess.

Anyway, I’m also too excited to sleep – my mind just won’t shut up.  It’s silly, I know.  But, the reason I’m excited is that I finally broke down and opened my very own Etsy shop.   I’ve probably mentioned it on here before about how I’d love to open one so I can share my crafting talent with the world, but I always chickened out.  It’s the shipping charges that make me nervous – I’m just worried about over and under charging customers.  But, I sucked it up and started the shop.  I’ve finally gotten a couple of things listed, too.  I hope they sell.

I’ve got a ton more ideas for things I want to make – baby bibs, baby blankets, hats, scarves, wash cloths and dish cloths, more of my “No Knot” designed tag blankets…the list can go on (and does!)

Aside from being busy digging out stash items, creating listings, stressing over shipping charges and hoping I made the right decision, I’ve created a blog dedicated to Sarandipity Handmade as well as a Facebook page dedicated to my shop.  Some people will probably think it’s overkill, but I figure if I can get the word out there that I’m here I can maybe drum up some business. You never know unless you try, right?

So, if you or a friend are ever in the market for a handmade quality item, please stop at my shop and I’ll see if I can help you out.  🙂  Thanks!