Works for Me Wednesday – Greatest Hits Ed. – Toddler Cup Tip


This week’s Works for Me Wednesday is a Greatest Hits edition.

This was originally posted February 20, 2008.

My tip is for teaching toddlers how to use a big kid cup at the table. I noticed that my son Bug was always setting his open topped cup very close to the edge of the table or too near his plate which often resulted in spilled cups and messes for Mommy to clean up. I decided to try an “X marks the spot” trick. I placed a couple pieces of scotch tape in an X on my dining room table where I wanted the cup to sit (still within easy reach, but out of the spill zone) and taught Bug that his cup sits on the X when he’s not drinking. It worked wonders. Since then, I haven’t had a single spilled cup. (knock on wood)

For more Works for Me Wednesday tips, click here!

Works For Me Wednesday – Hardboiled Eggs

Works for Me Wednesday

With Easter coming fast and furious this weekend, those of us with kids know it’s time we got into the kitchen and hardboiled some eggs for coloring. I can remember back when I was little and my mom would reluctantly cook a dozen white eggs (we had chickens that laid brown eggs which weren’t good for coloring so we’d have to buy a dozen at the store) which her and my dad would then eat for the next week… Anyway, it was inevitable that one of those precious little white gems of mine would break before ever seeing the glory of its colored days.

I’ve since then solved the busted hardboiled egg problem! Get a pot of water boiling. While that’s heating, take a needle or a pin and poke a single small hole in the large end of each egg. Don’t worry, you won’t break the shell by putting a small hole in the bottom, unless you squeeze it too hard. This small hole allows the trapped air inside the egg to release out the end, thus preventing your eggs from breaking open during the cooking process. It also helps keep the yolk a pretty yellow color instead of turning all green. This is great for when you are making deviled eggs. When your water is boiling, toss a bit of salt in the water (I’m not entirely sure if this helps keep the shell from breaking, but it’s seemed to work in conjunction with the pin hole. At any rate, if an egg does happen to bust, it will already be nicely salted for you) and turn your heat down to med-low. Slowly submerge each egg in the water on a large spoon. Turn the heat back up to med-high and boil for 10-15 mins. Carefully drain off the hot water and rinse in cold water. Cool your eggs in the pot (either in cold water or dry) until they are cool enough to handle and then refridgerate overnight. Color anytime.

Oh, and if you are concerned about the dye seeping inside the egg shell though the pin hole, yes, this will happen a bit, but you can easily wipe off the dye before eating. It’s food safe so it’s not going to hurt you.

For more Works for Me Wednesday ideas go here.

WFMW – Laundry Tip – Saving Your Dryer


We all do laundry and most people, myself included, use the dryer. I’m more of a country girl and prefer to hang dry my clothes, (because they smell yummy when sun dried and it saves me money on my gas bill) but during the winter I occasionally have to use the dryer for large things like sheets and blankets and the like (yes, I still hang clothes in doors to dry).

To save and extend the life of your dryer, check your lint trap. You probably clean it out at the end of the cycle and forget about it, right. Well, I sometimes check mine in the middle of a cycle. It helps keep the air flowing through and helps your clothes to dry faster, especially when you are drying a big load. Also, if you use those dryer sheets, you should wash your lint trap in warm soapy water with a tooth brush every few months. Those dryer sheets can cause your lint trap to clog up with unseen residue which in turn can cause you to use more gas/electric to dry, burn out the heating element in your machine and cost you time and money on repair or replacement costs. Check it out on if you don’t believe me.

Also, go here to read more about tips for saving money while doing laundry.

For more Works for Me Wednesday…go here or here

Works For Me Wednesday – Toddler Tip


This is my first ever Works for Me Wednesday. Let’s see how long this lasts!

My tip is for teaching toddlers how to use a big kid cup at the table. I noticed that my son Bug was always setting his open topped cup very close to the edge of the table or too near his plate which often resulted in spilled cups and messes for Mommy to clean up. I decided to try an “X marks the spot” trick. I placed a couple pieces of scotch tape in an X on my dining room table where I wanted the cup to sit (still within easy reach, but out of the spill zone) and taught Bug that his cup sits on the X when he’s not drinking. It worked wonders. Since then, I haven’t had a single spilled cup. (knock on wood)

For more Works for Me Wednesday tips, click here!