Too Excited!

Apparently there is something in the air since both myself and my oldest son just can’t seem to get to sleep.  I think it may be the combination of the pepsi and the jelly beans I ate and the combo of pepsi and ice cream that he ate right before bed…that’s enough to keep anyone up.  Granted, I shouldn’t have had the pepsi to begin with since I’ve given up caffeine.  I just wanted to splurge a bit I guess.

Anyway, I’m also too excited to sleep – my mind just won’t shut up.  It’s silly, I know.  But, the reason I’m excited is that I finally broke down and opened my very own Etsy shop.   I’ve probably mentioned it on here before about how I’d love to open one so I can share my crafting talent with the world, but I always chickened out.  It’s the shipping charges that make me nervous – I’m just worried about over and under charging customers.  But, I sucked it up and started the shop.  I’ve finally gotten a couple of things listed, too.  I hope they sell.

I’ve got a ton more ideas for things I want to make – baby bibs, baby blankets, hats, scarves, wash cloths and dish cloths, more of my “No Knot” designed tag blankets…the list can go on (and does!)

Aside from being busy digging out stash items, creating listings, stressing over shipping charges and hoping I made the right decision, I’ve created a blog dedicated to Sarandipity Handmade as well as a Facebook page dedicated to my shop.  Some people will probably think it’s overkill, but I figure if I can get the word out there that I’m here I can maybe drum up some business. You never know unless you try, right?

So, if you or a friend are ever in the market for a handmade quality item, please stop at my shop and I’ll see if I can help you out.  🙂  Thanks!

WIP Wednesday – Sweaters!

I’ve been busy knitting lately.  I’ve got 2 projects currently on the needles and finished a 3rd (a hat) this past weekend for one of the ladies at my library knitting group.  I’ll try to remember to post about that on Friday (FO Friday.)
The first project I’ve been working on is my 2nd Hooded Cardigan in charcoal grey.  I’m approximately 95% done with it and just have to get through the sewing part…which is the part I hate the most!  Last night, at my weekly craft night, I finished seaming up the front button area and the corresponding pocket area and started stitching together the button holes.  I still have to finish the last 2 button holes, sew on the buttons and knit the pocket tops.  After that I’ve just got to weave in the loose ends and wash it and I can wear it.  🙂  Hopefully I’ll have it finished by this weekend.Here’s a picture of the almost finished product.

Charcoal Grey Hoodie (aka the Twilight hoodie!)

I also cast on another project on Monday since I was in the sewing stages of the cardigan and missed the knitting.  I decided that Fidget needed a wearable (aside from the hats that I’ve made him).  I was going through some of my friends projects on Ravelry and stumbled across the Coastal Stripes Pullover pattern.  It looked like a simple little sweater that I could use some of my leftover yarn from previous projects for.  I pulled out a couple skeins of black wool-ease leftover from my Tubey sweater and some half skeins of red and blue Plymouth Encore Worsted I had leftover from Bug’s Super Shirt.

Coastal Stripes Pullover

So far this little sweater has been super easy.  The first day I finished the back panel and the first 9 inches of the front.  I finished up the remainder of the front while Fidget napped and Bug and I watched Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone that we borrowed from the library.  We’ve been reading the Harry Potter series at bedtime and are now about halfway through the 3rd books.  Later, I finished one sleeve and cast on the 2nd one at Craft Night last night.  I’ve only got a couple more inches to go on the 2nd sleeve then I get to start sewing it together and finish the neckline.  I’ve done the sleeve edges in blue, but I think I’m going to do the neckline in the red.  I’m hoping that it turns out as cute as I’m picturing and I hope that Fidget will wear it and that it fits!

Finally Finished!

This post has been a long time coming.  Apparently I not only have start-itis when it comes to knitting or crocheting projects, but blog posts as well.  I’ve started I don’t know how many posts only to stop several sentences in and never come back to it…

Anyway, I finally finished my Bella Cardigan (rav link) and it’s one of my favorite finished items.  I’ve worn it at least once a week (twice if I wore it before laundry day) since I finished it.  It’s warm and comfy and is just my style.  There are pictures on my ravelry link, but I’m not going to post them here.  I need to take a couple new ones of me wearing it.  I’m not happy with my hair in the 2 that I took and posted on ravelry.

I also started and finished 2 granny square bags. (Rav link)  One is for one of Bug’s Kindergarten friends, Tia, for her birthday and one for me to use as a diaper bag for Fidget.  I’m very proud of these bags.  The reason I made 2 was that I fell in love with the one I made for Tia and I had to make one for myself since I had enough leftover yarn.  They are exactly the same except mine  has a green tassel on the handle where Tia’s has a blue, pink and white one and is filled with art supplies.  I ended up using the Sunburst Granny Square pattern rather than the one the bag pattern called for.  The best thing is that I managed to get 2 projects out of the skeins of yarn I had on hand and didn’t have to run to the store to buy more.  The first bag was really a rush project because the birthday party was only a week away and I wanted to make something for the girl since she truly appreciated the star baby blanket I’d made her last year.  The bad thing was that the morning of the party, Tia got sick so the party was canceled.  At least now it’s been rescheduled and I’ll get to be there to see her get the presents.

There were 2 final things that I finished.  The first was the Wedding Shawl.  It’s a crocheted shawl following the Doris Chan “All Shawl” pattern.  It’s made with light green Pound of Love baby yarn.  I made it to wear over the dress I was making for my friend Leana’s wedding this past Saturday.  I was very proud of it, though I wished it were longer.   Unfortunately, Darling Hubby kept telling me that it didn’t match the dress and that it made me look like an old Grandma.  😦  I ended up not wearing it.  I kinda feel that my hard work was for not, but maybe I’ll find a use for it someday.  Dh was right though, it didn’t really go with the dress…I think had it been a different material, say a fingering weight yarn or a lace it would have been more appropriate.  The worsted was just to thick and heavy.

The next and final thing that I finished was the dress that I wore to Leana’s wedding.  If you’ve read some of my past posts under the sewing tag then you know the back story of “the dress.”  If not, here’s a basic rewind.  I’m wordy, but I’ve tried to keep it brief.

A couple years ago a friend from college asked me to be in her wedding and I said yes.  The plan was for the bride to make the bridesmaid dresses as well as her dress to wear later in the evening for another ceremony of sorts that she was planning.  That was 5 dresses.  I decided that since I had a bit of sewing know how and a good friend who is an accomplished sewer that I would make my own dress to take some pressure off the bride.  Somehow or other I ended up being roped into making not only my dress, but the maid of honors and 2 other bridesmaids as well.  I spent hours pinning patterns, cutting fabric, and sewing and got my dress and the maid of honor’s dress to the point where they just needed the zippers and hems and one other dress to the point where the neckline, zipper and hem were the only things left and only had one more dress that I needed to figure out how to make a size bigger than the biggest pattern available.  That’s when things went downhill.  I got notice in the mail that the wedding had been postponed.  I didn’t even get a phone call…The plan was for the wedding to take place the following June, which gave me several months to finish the dresses, so I put them aside and went about my own crafting things figuring I’d hear more about the wedding in a few months and could start working on them again when the time drew closer.

June quickly came and went and I hadn’t heard anything from the bride about the wedding…she pretty much stopped all contact with me.  Come to find out, she eloped in December and still didn’t bother to say anything to me.  I’ve since found out how much her friendship actually was worth when I confronted her about the fact that I was so far out of the loop and that I was annoyed by the fact that I spent all my time and paid out money for something I wasn’t going to have a use for.  Her reply was that I should be grateful that she didn’t choose the $125 dresses from the bridal store like she’d planned and that I was only out $50.  There was no “thanks for all your effort” or “sorry that I did that to you.”  I got nothing and being the glutton for punishment that I am, I tried to make the friendship work, but came to the realization that I was only a means to an end (she only called when she wanted something) and not a true friend.  So, I cut all contact and I feel I’m the better person for it.

Anyway, the dresses have sat in a half finished state for a couple years and I finally had a purpose for mine.  It was going to once again be worn for a wedding.  Not as a bridesmaid like originally planned, but as a guest (or the mother of the ring bearer) and I was so happy about it.  It turned out great!  Here are a few pics from Glenn and Leana’s wedding.

Me in the dress with Bug as the Ring Bearer and Fidget just hanging out in the stroller.

Darling Hubby and the Boys.

The Wedding Party!

The Reluctant Ring Bearer (aka Frodo) who was happy that he got to be a bit silly during the photograph session.

Fidget playing with some spoons at the reception.  We were trying to get a picture of his eyes changing color in the direct sunlight, but it wasn’t working.  His eyes are this gray blue color, but in direct sunlight they can change from a vivid blue to a green color.  I’m not sure what color they are going to end up!

Here’s one last picture of the whole dress.  I’m dancing the Cha Cha Slide with Bug (who you notice is no longer in his monkey suit!  He changed in the car before the reception started. lol)  We had planned to make the dress knee length or from knee to ankle on the diagonal, but the cut of the dress didn’t work for it, so it was floor length with me getting to wear my prom shoes again.  The sparkly silver 3 inch heeled ones that I’ve had since 1997.

So that’s what I’ve finished in the last month.  I’m feeling pretty accomplished.  Finishing a knit cardigan, 2 bags, 1 shawl and a pretty satin dress.  Maybe that will give me the encouragement to finish the other things I have going on…a stuffed sheep for Fidget, a 750 page book that’s due to the library next Friday and a knit scarf for spring (I’d like to have it for Easter, but I’m not going to push my luck).  Hey, I can say I’ve finished one more thing…this blog post!

What’s on the Needles?

Today is the first snow day of the 2010-11 school year for Bug.  We are getting quite a bit of snow and as of 6:30 this morning had about 4 inches on the ground with the possibility of 9-15 total by this afternoon.  Darling Hubby braved the snowy roads and drove into work (they never close!) and I’m hoping that they send them home early…but I won’t hold my breath.  It has been coming down pretty steadily, so who knows what’s on the ground…I do know that the snowplow went through twice, so the end of the driveway will need to be cleared.  Not sure if I’ll attempt to do it before Darling Hubby gets home or if I’ll just wait and let him do it…I have to see how Fidget is this afternoon.

I’m not sure what today will bring for me, Bug and Fidget, but I plan to stay warm, whatever we do.  We’ll probably play a little on the Kinect and I hope to get some more knitting done while Fidget naps later.  Fidget is officially crawling now.  He started on New Years Day and once he really figured out what he was doing he just took right off.  He’s also started pulling himself up on the coffee table…not to standing, but he gets himself upright on his knees.  I keep telling him he needs to master crawling better before he starts pulling up and walking!  Speaking of Fidget, he’s nearly 8 months old now and is just starting to get his bottom 2 teeth…Bug had at least 4 teeth by this point, probably more.  It’s true when they say each kid is different.

Anyway, I wanted to write about my crafting projects.  I’m still been working on Bella’s New Moon Hooded Cardigan since December 5th and I’m happy to report that I’m almost done!  I’ve been doing a couple rows here and there each day and last night I managed about 10 rows at craft night.  I’m about 30 rows away from starting the hood and then I have to make the pocket tops and do some finishing up.  I’m really happy with how it’s coming out.  The only thing that I’m upset about is that one of the stitch holders I used was red and some of the paint wore off onto the sleeve (underarm specifically)  I’m hoping that it will wash out.  To me it’s a rather obvious pink spot on a cream colored sweater.  😦

Here’s a picture of the cardigan in it’s half way done state. If you look to the left hand side of the picture (under the right arm), you can sorta see the pink spots. 😦 Otherwise, I love it!

Bella New Moon Cardigan

I’m hoping that I’ll finish it in the next couple weeks so I can start on a couple new projects (I have start-itis and want to start something new, but I’m being good!)  Things that need to be completed by the beginning of April.  The first thing is I’m going to finish the dress that I started over 2 years ago for the wedding that never was.

It’s really sad that it has been over 2 years and I’m still pretty pissed off and hurt by what happened with those dresses.  I still feel like I was taken advantage of and wasted my time doing something for someone who didn’t even say thank you for all that I did to help her out.  She told me to just be thankful she didn’t pick $125 dresses from the bridal store and be happy I was only out $50…no mention of the weeks I spent cutting out fabric, pinning, and sewing I did to make 4 dresses for her!  Oh, and she didn’t even have the courtesy to tell me in person that the wedding was postponed (I got a generic card in the mail like all the other guests.)  Yeah, I’m still pretty bitter about the whole thing…but, I digress.

My plan is to move past all that and do what I originally intended…finish my dress and wear it to a wedding!  My friend Leana from Craft Night is getting married in April and rather than go out and buy a new dress (I already have to buy a suit for Bug since he’s her ring bearer) I’m going to wear something I already have.  With a little modification (I’m thinking going knee length rather than floor), I think the dress can be appropriate for an early spring wedding.  I really just need to find a zipper, which will only cost a couple bucks.  The 2nd project goes along with the first.  I’m going to knit myself a wrap/scarf to wear with the dress.  I’m thinking the Clapotis (rav link).  It seems that everyone is making one (there are over 16,800 projects on Ravelry!) and while I’m not usually one to jump on the bandwagon it looks like it will be a quick knit and functional for both wearing to the wedding and for wearing later on in a casual setting.  I’m just debating about what color to make.  I’m thinking maybe I’ll make it in a cream color (the same color as my Bella Cardigan) as it would be a nice color to go with the light purple satin in the dress.  I’ll have to see what yarn is out there when I finish the dress.

Off to shovel out a spot so I can walk the dogs and assess the driveway situation while Bug is playing on the kinect.  Hopefully I’ll get a row or 2 done before Fidget wakes from his nap.  Happy snow day everyone!

30 Day Shred – Day 9 – Level 2!

So today I decided that I’d try level 2 for the first time.  I was scared after having watched it on you tube last week and wasn’t sure if I was truly ready, but there was no way to know for sure without giving it a chance.  Overall, I found it to be a better workout than level 1.  I was sweating more and breathing a little harder, but I wasn’t feeling overwhelmed and so far my muscles don’t hurt (I’ll see how I am in the morning).  I did the exercises following Anita so as to not push myself too hard.  I think by day 12 I should be able to do some of the things following Natalie.  I do have a little trouble with the plank position stuff as I have a tendency to lean back and not keep my shoulders over my hands.  I have to work on this.  I was able to do the jump ropes (following Anita).  It was something I wasn’t able to do in level 1.  I must be improving.  I also noticed I was more limber.  During the cool down in level 1 I was only able to reach my shin and not my toes.  Today I was able to easily grab my toes.  My flexibility is improving.

The only complaint I have about level 2 is that Jillian doesn’t explain the new moves.  She just expects that you know them by name.  I have to watch the moves before I actually do them and this takes away from actually doing the moves with them.  I would prefer that she walk you into the exercises.  I’m looking forward to day 10 on level 2.  😀  So far..that’s really my only complaint.

Tonight is my craft night.  Leana is coming over and is cooking some pesto pasta chicken dish.  I’m going to work on Bug’s blanket.  I’m almost done with the solid squares.  Just the green ones and less than half the grey ones left and the half squares.  I started stitching some of the blue pieces together and it’s going to be time consuming…the worst part is going to be weaving in all the little tails.

Speaking of crafts, I talked to my friend about the bridesmaid dresses for the wedding that happened without us.  I’m giving the 2 that I “finished” to their owners (the Maid of Honor (finished to zipper insertion) and one of the Bridesmaids (finished to collar insertion – both need to have zippers purchased).  The last girl doesn’t want her dress, which is good since I never even cut it out.  I was waiting to see what exactly was going on.  I’ve decided that I’m going to finish my dress and either sell it or make it into a Halloween costume – I’m leaning toward the latter.  I’m not going to do any more work on the dresses cause frankly, it’s not my job.  The wedding ceremony isn’t going to happen (I take that back – it happened in a town hall – I just wasn’t there) and I’m not getting reimbursed for my time and the money I spent (it would be different if the ceremony was going to happen) so I’m leaving the finishing up to the dress owners.  Some may say that sounds harsh, but I’m done with it and have other things I need to focus on.


My posts of late have all been happy ones!  Yeah!  I finished our taxes last night and they have been accepted by both the feds and state people already.  It’s the first time we’ve e-filed, so I’m hoping it will be a good experience for us, overall.  Fingers crossed.   We are getting quite a bit back.  It’s the most we’ve ever received (I wonder how much we’ve overpaid in the past).  I know that we’re planning to pay off the credit card debt we owe and will probably put most of the money into savings.  Darling Hubby has been thinking about one of those Sony e-reader things for a while.  Maybe we’ll spend a little on that.  We did spend some of last years return on my laptop.  It seems only fair that he get a cool gadget, too.  lol

Speaking of e-filing taxes, I heard on the radio the other night that the government is considering making people who don’t e-file pay a fee for sending in paper forms.  I know this has already started an uproar.  My first thought went to my parents.  They are much older (seniors), don’t have access to a computer or the internet and wouldn’t know what to do if they did…They are also the type of people who don’t want/like to have someone else do their taxes.  My dad has always done his own taxes.  I don’t think this new fee will ever see daylight, but you never know.

On another good, non money related note, I got my office cleaned, purged and reorganized.  I went through the filing cabinet where I store all my statements from bills and things and pulled out a few years worth to feed to the shredder.  I still have several years left in the drawer, but now I have a ton more room.  I pay many of my bills online now, so I don’t think it will fill up as fast.  I also moved some books around on the bookshelves (I put the already read ones together and the “want to read someday” ones together) and pulled a few to put into the garage sale we plan to have this May/June.  I moved some other small pieces of furniture around to give the one side of the room a different look and so we could get to the bottom shelves of a built in shelf.  Before there was a footlocker/trunk pushed up against it and the many bags containing the bridesmaid dresses I am supposed to be making for a friends wedding.  I haven’t heard from this friend in a while and at this point I’m not even sure what’s going on…I think she may have already gotten married (according to her myspace page) so if I spent all those hours making dresses that aren’t going to be worn, I’m going to be a mite PO’ed.  I really should call her and find out what’s going on…I just haven’t been much in the mood to talk to anyone, really.   I haven’t even called my mom in weeks…

Anyway, there are just a few more little items around the office that need to be put in their places and a big stack of papers that needs to be shredded, but otherwise, the room is done (and dust free!)  Bug will help me with the shredding cause he likes that sort of thing (don’t worry, I supervise the whole time!)  It feels good to get a little bit of spring cleaning in, even though it’s below freezing outside.  lol

I think I’m going to pull out some yarn and start working on a scarf before putting Bug to bed.  It won’t take me long to do.  I think I want to start yet another projects…maybe a granny square afghan or something.  I haven’t done one of those before.  It’s not like a need another blanket floating around, but it might be nice to have one on the back of the couch that matches the room.   Darling Hubby would probably kick my butt!   Maybe I could sell a few old blankets at the garage sale and it would soften the blow!  🙂  lol

Blogging In My Mind

Do you ever find yourself writing blog posts in your head at times where it’s impossible to actually get it down on “paper.”  That’s what I found myself doing at 1:30 this morning after only an hours worth of sleep, with a stomach full of what felt like a leaden marble (made of skittles) after being startled awake by the 3 year old in the room across the hall who was chanting, “Daddy, Daddy, Daaadddy!” (Who despite the beckoning call, continued to sleep soundly next to me sawing logs like a professional lumberjack.)   Bug was pleasantly surprised to find me home (I’d gone to a friends for craft night) and I got a very warm welcome from my little man who really just wanted someone to give his knee several kisses because it “still hurt.”  After settling Bug back down and crawling back into my nice warm bed I attempted to get comfortable and in the meantime, my mind decided that it wasn’t going to shut down for me and wrote a blog post which was so much better than this post.  I find myself able to think of all these funny things and anecdotes and later when comes to sitting down at the keyboard I find myself unable to think of those funny things again.  Guess I’m only funny in my own mind…

Anyway, I had a pretty productive (albeit silly) night with Rose.  We worked on the Maid of Honor’s dress and got it mostly completed.  We only have the inside neck piece and the sleeves left to finish.  I think I’ve decided to hold off on putting the zippers in and just give them back to the bride and let her deal with the finishing touches if they decide to put the wedding back on.  I still have to cut out the last dress, but that is something that won’t take too long and once I get it cut out, I’ll be able to do most of that on my own time.  My goal is to have them all finished by the last Monday in July.  That gives me 2 more weeks.  It won’t take me long to finish my own dress (which only needs a zipper and a hem/fitting) and regardless of whether or not the wedding takes place, the dress will be finished and more than likely, I’ll use it for a Halloween costume this year. I think we are going for a renaissance-ish theme anyway…if not, I’ll be a princess…

Aside from being sew crafty, I’ve been continuing to work on my ripple afghan.  It’s coming along ok.  I’m still not too keen on the colors, but I think it will be nice for a Christmas present for some male family member.  Speaking of presents, I’ve been working on a little something for my friend Rachelle’s newest addition to her family which is due pretty much anytime between now and the end of August.  I’m holding off on posting pictures because I don’t want to ruin the surprise.  I’m hoping to give it to her this weekend (we are still trying to make plans) as this will probably be the only time I see her before the baby is born, so if I don’t see her, I’ll end up mailing it to her. Course, I’ll miss seeing her since we haven’t seen each other in forever…I seriously can’t remember the last time we actually saw each other in person…

This weekend is also my class reunion.  I’m looking forward to it, but at the same time I’m dreading it.  I haven’t seen most of these people in 10 years, but yet I still feel like I have to impress them and look good for them, just like I did when I set foot in DCS every day.  I don’t know why I still feel that way.  We’ve all grown up and gone our separate ways and have our own lives outside of that tiny little hick town.  I’ve heard through the grapevine about people getting out and making something of themselves and other staying and doing typical hick town things.  I got out, attempted to continue my education and decided that I was better suited to being a stay at home mom.  Which, I’m sure isn’t going to be looked at highly, but hey, it’s what I’m happiest doing.

I haven’t kept in touch with many people, aside from Clint and Annie.  I attempted to keep tabs on Jenn, but she all but fell off the face of the earth after graduation.  I’ve tried looking for her online, people searching and what not, but it’s like she doesn’t exist anymore.  She probably got married and changed her name and that’s why it’s been hard to find her.  I am hoping that Michelle is going to be there, too.  We left high school on bad terms and to tell the truth, I’m not even sure what the issue was at this point.  I’ve let it go and I hope that she has too.  I’ve attempted to find her as well, but I’ve just had no luck.  I’m pretty sure she’s married now and has kids (at least that’s what I’ve heard through the grapevine) so it would be hard to track her down as well.  There are a few others whom I’m looking forward to seeing after all these years, but most of my classmates were just that, classmates and weren’t true friends, like Jenn, Michelle, Clint, and Annie – who even though she wasn’t there with me daily from 9th grade on, she is still part of my class in my humble little opinion.  I’m also hoping my class has matured quite a bit in the passing years.  I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings, but my class was pretty immature…but then again…I think anyone looking back has that to say about their class…even Darling Hubby who graduated 18 years ago…

Overall, I’m looking forward to having a good time, visiting, and getting to know everyone all over again.  I’m hoping to reconnect with everyone on a “non high school” level and maybe rekindle those old friendships that were stored away with the graduation cap and gown.  Hopefully, I’ll have pictures when I return and lots of fun memories to store away in my scrapbook to bring out in another 10 years.  Let’s just hope no one gets super drunk before the parade.  The last thing we need is someone falling off the float…and yes…this has happened before…like I said…hick town!

Crafty Accomplishments

Despite all the housework I have to accomplish this week, I managed to be very crafty yesterday.  I’ve been working on a pair of convertible mittens for a couple weeks that I finally finished yesterday.  I’d planned to use them as a Christmas present for someone, but I decided that since the first pair came out so well, I’d give them to Darling Hubby to replace his old pair of store-bought convertible mittens that he’s worn completely out.

Convertable Mittens

I’ve had to repair them several times in the past couple years.  I don’t think they could withstand another winter or another repair.  I’m going to make another pair for my dad and possibly one for another person on my Christmas buy for list.

I have a ton and a half of that boring brown (espresso) yarn and it’s not really good for much so I’m trying to use it up…hence the mittens.  Well, I decided that Darling Hubby also needed a hat to wear with his mittens, so I found a pattern for a simple boy beanie online and proceeded to make a quick hat.

Boy Beanie
It turned out so well and was so easy.  It literally took me only a couple hours to crochet it completely and that was with taking breaks to cook dinner and to greet Darling Hubby when he got home from work (and to have him try it on to see if it would fit properly).   I found that it fit Bug as well, so I’m now in the process of making a shorter version for him in matching colors.  I’m also going to see about making him a pair of mittens, too.  I’m not sure if I’ll make them convertable, too.  Depends on the pattern I find that I like.

I’m also happy that I managed to post these FO’s (finished objects) on my Ravelry page.  woot!

I was also crafty in the sewing department.  After dinner, a quick shower, and a trip to the neighbors house to check their mail (they are on vacation), Darling Hubby and Bug sat down to watch some Batman cartoon on my laptop so I hauled myself into the other room and proceeded to work on the bridesmaid dresses for the wedding that may or may not happen.  I did promise to finish them, and that’s what I’m going to do.  I got the sleeves and drapes cut out for the Maid of Honor’s dress (man that was a pain.  I never want to work with that fabric ever again) and started to lay out the pattern for the last dress.  I’ll get that done and cut out this week and on Monday I’ll have Rose help me work on the MOH’s dress.  I’m not sure about how the sleeves and drape are to be done… I’m kinda pattern illiterate until I’ve run through it once.  I’ll probably, if I put my mind to it, finish the last sleeveless dress at home.  It’s pretty easy and since I know what I’m doing there it won’t take me too long.

Until then, I’m going to go do laundry, change the litter pans which are getting stinky and walk the dogs.  Honestly, I’d rather be crochetting or sewing.  lol

What I’ve Been Up To Lately

Wow, so it’s been a long time since I’ve written anything here.  I’ve had a ton of things in my brain that I would love to put here, but I never seem to find the time.  When I do find time to sit and play on the computer my brain seems to bring me to all my other favorite websites first and it usually ends up that I don’t have time to write anything worth while.  I still have photos to edit from before Fathers day…

Family Photo Father's Day 2008

What have I been up to?  Well, following Father’s day we ended up getting a security system for the house.  It had nothing specifically to do with what was going on with the poker place across the street, but in light of all that happened, it affected our decision.  (Oh, and if you are wondering what ever happened with the poker joint, well, it has remained closed and our lives have returned to normal. :D) This past week we got the motion detector readjusted so it would stop seeing the cat as a six foot person and all is well.

About a week ago, we broke down and bought an Xbox 360.  I’m now the proud owner of Rock Band.  Bug is in heaven.  He loves “playing” the guitars and drums and he really does sing some of the songs.  It’s really cute to hear him.  We don’t actually activate the instruments/mic when he’s using them, but right now, he doesn’t know the difference.  We also acquired the Wall-E video game, which is a lot of fun to play.  Now we just have to go see the movie.  I think we are waiting for it to come to the closer/nicer drive in.  Hopefully, this weekend will be the one.  If not, we may have to make a trek to the farther one.  I don’t think Bug is ready for a movie theater just yet.

Friday was the 4th of July and also Darling Hubby’s birthday.  I made him a roast in our rotisserie and we had pineapple upside down cake and homemade ice cream for dessert.  Around 8 we made our way across the river to Darling Hubby’s old lab and watched the fireworks from the plaza on the lawn.  Aside from nearly being eaten alive by the hordes of mosquitoes, we had a nice time.  I got some nice photos of the sun setting over the plaza and of the crescent moon, but my fireworks photos were very lacking.  That’s what you get trying to take pictures without a tripod and with a 3 year old on your lap.  lol.


Crescent moon

With the price of gas going and staying over $4 a gallon, we’ve decided to invest in a couple bikes.  We found one that Darling Hubby liked at Walmart for $150 and we ended up with one for Bug, too.  He’s not quite to the stage where he can go on a bike ride with us, but he had a lot of luck peddling this little bike, more than his tricycle so we figured it would be a good place to start.

Bug's New Bike

In 2 weeks we will be visiting my parents (and attending my *gasp* 10 year high school reunion) and picking up my old mountain bike.  If it’s still in ok condition (It hasn’t been ridden in well over 10 years and I know it will need new tires – the old ones are probably dry rotted from hanging in the shed and possibly a brake/gear check up as they were questionably when it was new) we will bring it home with us and fix it up so I can ride.  If it will cost more to fix, I’ll be getting a new bike as well.  It’s bad, but I’m wishing for a new bike, but I’ll make due with my old one.  I won’t be picky.  Bug and Darling Hubby both have helmets so I’ll be picking one up, as well as a bike trailer so I can take Bug on bike rides down to the park.  It’s about a mile and a half to the park and takes me nearly 25 minutes to walk it pushing the stroller.

Me biking

The bike would be faster and I can go more places with it.  I sometimes dread walking places because it takes so long.  I’m hoping the exercise will do me good and maybe I’ll drop some more weight.  Getting on that bike yesterday, for the first time in many years, I remembered just how freeing it felt to have the wind in your hair whizzing down the street.

As we were picking up Darling Hubby’s and Bug’s bikes Saturday night, I ended up buying a new dress and shoes to wear to my class reunion.  It’s a cute little greenish blue and tan sun dress and tan sandals.  I’m hoping to look nice and be comfortable.  I was never much of a dress person when I was in high school and I’m trying to dress up more often rather than just throwing on jeans and tops (see the above picture of my on Father’s day).  I feel better about myself when I look nice and not frumpy.  I also managed to dye my hair last night so I’m feeling much better about my appearance.  I hate that my hair is going grey (or silver as Darling Hubby says) and I’m not even 30 yet.  Darn heredity!

Today I’m supposed to be going to my craft night, but since my hosts are out of town on a camping vacation, I’m staying home with Darling Hubby and Bug.  We are making Reuben sandwiches for dinner…something I’ve never had before, so it should be a nice night.  I’m hoping to finish crochetting the convertable mittens (the fingerless gloves that have the flap to make them look like mittens) today.  I only have a few more rounds left to go.  Oh, and I have to finish cutting out the pieces for the rest of the other 3 bridesmaid dresses that I got coerced into making for my friends wedding…even though the wedding has been postponed until further notice.  I figure if things get back on track and the wedding is back on, we won’t be behind the 8 ball on getting the dresses done.  We really only have a month or so.  I also have to hem a couple curtains…We’ll see if I get that all done…better get on that.

Sew, Sew What?

I’ve got a new project.  In a way I’m wishing it was a crochet project since it’s something I’m good at, but I have to finish the sweater I started for Darling Hubby and maybe the sweater I started for someone else before I start any new crochet projects.  I really want to attempt an afghan from the new afghan book I picked up at a garage sale this weekend.  I’m thinking they’d be nice to make for Christmas presents for Darling Hubby’s family, rather than clothing that might possibly not fit.  The only problem is that they are made with double strands of yarn and that can be pricey using double the amount of yarn than you normally would.  But, they would be super warm.

Anyway, I’m getting off topic.  What I started writing about was my sewing project that my friend Rose is helping me with.   I spent much of the day yesterday with my friends Stacie and Renee in Joann’s Fabric store sorting through patterns and different fabrics trying to find the right ones for bridesmaid dresses for Stacie’s wedding this coming August.  It was a fun day filled with lots of walking back and forth, lots of bolts of purple fabric and joking about me wanting “butterflies on my boobies.”  In the end we decided on a pattern (that we scored for $1 on sale) and picked out enough material to make 4 dresses and for the bride to start on her own dresses.  The dress we will be making is the light blue one in the picture below (it will be light purple satin).  The maid of honor will have the flowing sleeves and the others will be sleeveless with a square neckline.  I can actually wear my cloak that Rose made for me for my own wedding as well as my shoes from my wedding.

Now, rather than saddle Stacie with the task of making all 4 bridesmaid dresses as well as her gown and broom jumping ceremony dress, I offered to make my own taking some of the responsibility off her.  She’s a bride and has enough things to stress over.  Since Rose is an accomplished seamstress (she made my cloak for my wedding in addition to her own bridal gown, bridesmaids dresses, her kids Halloween costumes and she recently helped me sew my own quilt) and I go over there every Monday for craft night I figured she could give me a helping hand.

Last night we started on it and got all the pattern pieces pinned and cut out.  It took about 3 hours.  Next Monday we’ll actually be able to start sewing.  I’m excited about it and scared at the same time.  It’s been many a moon since I’ve sewn something using a pattern…like since 1994 in 8th grade home economics class.   I want to make sure the dress fits perfectly just like I hope Stacie’s wedding day goes perfectly.  Hopefully in a couple weeks I’ll be able to post pictures of the actual dress in progress.  Send me lots of good sewing vibes for easy sewing and that the dress comes out ok.