Back in the Saddle Again

I’m doing something that I haven’t done in 5 years…I’ve decided to break out my Jillian Michael’s 30 Day Shred DVD again.  It’s not that I’m in dire need to lose weight, it’s more that I want to tone up and tighten the areas that are a little, shall we say, wiggly.  I’m in size 12’s or 14’s and while it’s not as skinny as I’d like to be some days, I’m comfortable.  But, I find that there are more days that not that I don’t like to look at myself in the mirror while unclothed.

Was this what made me jump back on the exercise bandwagon?  No, not entirely.  Darling Hubby and I were invited to a testimonial for his step father.  He is District Governor of something (yeah, I’m not entirely sure on all the details) and they are holding an afternoon fancy shmancy thing in his honor on May 5th. I’ve already bought my dress and jewelry.  I already had shoes and underthings and I’ve plans to knit myself a shawl to go with it (you never know just how chilly it might be in May or in those hotel banquet rooms.)  I’ve already bought the yarn (it matches perfectly) and got started.  The dress fits me perfectly and looks good (Darling Hubby says hot), but I look in the mirror and always see what is wrong and what could be different.  I could stand to lose that little bit of a tummy and my arms could be less flabby…That’s what made me decide to pull out the dvd, yoga mat, and my hand weights and throw on my sneakers.

I weighed in this morning and I was 149lbs (that’s down 1lb from yesterday…lol).  I think this time I may try to take some measurements of myself so I know if I lose any inches.  Like I said, I’d still like to lose some of the flab around my middle…you know the little paunchy thing that never seems to want to go away after having kids…and tighten up my arms and legs a bit.  I know my legs could look super hot in those heels with a little toning up…lol

Anyway, I already did day one, level one and let’s say that it was so much easier this time around than it was 5 years ago.  Let’s just say that when I finished I wasn’t wanting to curl up in a ball and die or vomit.  I felt a little weak muscled, but never felt sick or dizzy and I didn’t even have trouble breathing.  I can obviously feel it in my thighs and I know that tomorrow sitting down or standing from sitting is gonna be a little rough.  I can also feel those muscles walking up or down stairs (and even walking down the hill at Bug’s school.)

Looking back I’m already at a lower weight than when I started the first go around.  I don’t have a particular weight goal that I’m working toward and I’m not going to keep close tabs on what I’m eating. aside from trying not to go overboard with portion sizes.  I already know that I’m eating a little healthier than I was 5 years ago, especially having cut most processed foods out as a way to avoid soy.  I still indulge, don’t get me wrong, I’m still a snacker and I’ve found ways to get back some of my favorite foods that I was forced to cut out.  I still love chocolate and found that the Nestle Dark Chocolate morsels are soy free and oh so good.  I’ve found ice creams that I can eat again, so I do find myself having a bowl before bed some nights.  We still do our game night sessions once every 2 weeks, but I find that I’m usually pretty good and only eat the things like the cheese and jelly or the fresh bread and not all the chips and junk foods that we used to nosh on.  I just have to watch my portion sizes.

So, that’s my goal, 30 days (hopefully including the weekends this time).  My end date to get in shape is May 4th, so I’ve got the month.  I plan to blog about my journey again so I can keep myself motivated.  Feel free to join me if you want.  I won’t mind the company.

30 Day Shred – Day 19

Another day done and I’m feeling great.  I’m still doing level 3 and today was the first day that my knee didn’t hurt while working out or afterward.  I really felt the burn today and really worked up a sweat.   I was actually able to do more of the sumo jumps and the rock stars.  I’m getting better at the sit-ups and the scissor crunches. I used my 5lb weights during the dumbbell cleans and for a portion of the shadowboxing dumbbells and the buttkicks.  I had to switch to the 2lbs during the shadowboxing dumbbells and for the jumping jacks, but it was more than I could have done last week, that’s for sure!

In other good news, I’m down a pound, which is surprising since I haven’t been the best eater this weekend.  I had dinner at Friendly’s on Friday and lunch at Burger King on Saturday.   I tried to make good choices while eating out and once again didn’t over indulge, even though I shared a 3 scoop sundae with Darling Hubby.   My food journal is a little lacking for the weekend because I wasn’t near the computer a lot and well, I don’t remember what I ate for several of my meals.

Today I had two slices of homemade cinnamon raisin bread, toasted, with butter and a few sprinkles of cinnamon and sugar and a cup of tea for breakfast.  I haven’t eaten lunch just yet.  I’m thinking a sandwich of some sort…dinner will be a couple slices of pizza that Leana is cooking for craft night dinner, a small piece of coffee cake for dessert and a small glass of pepsi.  I’m trying to drink more water, too, and cutting back on the sugary drinks.  Maybe I will look good come swimsuit season!  lol